Tahila Dehulled Beans Flour stands out as superior and unrivaled, sourced from beans acquired before the introduction of pesticides. It’s 100% Cowpea (Beans) – pure and untainted by pesticides or preservatives


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Weight 0.5 kg
Have you ever pondered why Tahila Beans flour is referred to as Dehulled Beans Flour? It’s because this flour is crafted from meticulously cleaned and fully peeled beans.
This meticulous process ensures you get a natural and fresh paste, perfect for crafting delicious homemade Akara or soft, delightful Moimoi.
Tahila Dehulled Beans Flour stands out as superior and unrivaled, sourced from beans acquired before the introduction of pesticides. It’s 100% Cowpea (Beans) – pure and untainted by pesticides or preservatives.
It’s convenient to use and manage, allowing you to easily craft your preferred recipes to perfection.
Your health is our priority, which is why we offer this healthy choice.

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